Tired is a Lifestyle

I’m 26 years old. Most of those years I’ve spent doing exactly what I said I was going to do.  Relationships, raises, promotions, horses, dogs, houses, travel, life.  Most of those years saw equal parts pain, exhaustion and growth, a life martini that has been dirty & intoxicating.  I’ve never been one to spend too much time celebrating my wins, I’ve always been more likely to fixate on whichever way I fell short or whatever is the next thing to conquer.  That mindset has has left me tired.  Not the kind of tired that goes away with a week off, the kind of tired that I can feel in my bones, deeply penetrating and not infrequently debilitating.  This kind of tired manifests physically because of my inability to take time off, driven by my constant need to be turning hours into income.  But the tiredness I feel mentally and emotionally is the intangible equivalent to the fatigue in the 25th mile of a marathon.  So close, but you don’t dare tell yourself that you’re almost there, because “almost there” isn’t there, almost there can be an excuse to relent if you’re too tired to use it as motivation to push harder. It’s a perpetual state of “almost there,” because the finish line is always moving further away while I set new goals, two steps forward, two steps back.  The tiredness I feel makes grocery shopping and doing laundry feel like an olympic sport.  I think that’s also called depression but you don’t have time to be depressed when you’re “almost there.”

Every once in a while this tiredness bubbles over.  Usually it results in choked back tears at an intersection on the way to or from work or on the couch while you sit, trying to drain some serotonin out of your phone before you set yourself to tedious tasks that need to be completed but won’t bring you any sense of fulfillment.  But one thing remains constant when the tiredness finally pulls you under, you’re alone.  Letting the tiredness take over in front of someone else wouldn’t be fair, because in your head you think you’ve done this to yourself.  Your exhaustion has come from self destructive tendencies and there is no one that needs to share that burden with you, no one forced you to pick it up and wear it on your shoulders the way you have, to tell someone that you can’t hold it alone would be admitting that maybe you aren’t capable of everything you promised yourself you would achieve.
I’m not writing this because I’ve figured out how to make the tiredness disappear.  Nor am I writing thi

s because I really have any intention of trying.  I guess I’m going to live with tiredness because I don’t really know what else to do and to some extent, my tiredness is a badge I’ve pinned on my metaphorical Girl Scout’s vest, secretly proud to be tired because that somehow means I have achieved and I will achieve.  I fully acknowledge how unhealthy this is and I hope that at some point I figure out how to live a life that is more fulfilling and less exhausting.  

But in the meantime, to all my tired friends- you aren’t alone 

3 thoughts on “Tired is a Lifestyle”

  1. I get you girl, I feel like I never stop. I work come home straighten up my place go workout usually make dinner after all of that if I have the energy and then shower and it’s the same thing the next day. I don’t know how to relax unless I get everything done I feel needs done. Here if you ever need to talk 💛

  2. First.. I love the dirty martini metaphor 🍸
    Second.. I love the entirety of this as I’ve been feeling myself burning out all the meanwhile I haven’t “achieved” anything.
    Be proud of all you’ve done Maia , you’re doing great!

  3. Jesus Christ that 2nd paragraph.. Pat and I had this blow out fight at midnight before my 5:30a departure the next (that?) morning (flight no. 5 in 7 weeks bc the 6th wknd I drove – I wrote this on the flight home..) because – it stems down to – I just put too much on my plate and I’m stressed and EXHAUSTED and that one last little tiny thing just irks him and then BLOWS ME UP. But what am I going to give up? Him? All I do is horses & work (sometimes those are the same bc money) & try to spend time with him. And family and other people that matter dearly to me – failing in that dept… But he’s right. I CHOOSE to do too much. And for what..? I don’t work enough. My horse and I are cool but not as good as we could have been and it’s too late for us. I didn’t achieve the goal all these trips were meant for.. but. It’s what I love to do.. There’s too much I want to do. I wish it didn’t come with being so tired… but I guess I accept the tired as part of it all and will just keep going.. love you x

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